
equitable distribution

Part II: Who needs a prenup and why? Those who already have children.

Part II:  Who needs a prenup and why?  Those who already have children.

Blended families are more common than ever. It's extremely common that one person entering a marriage has children from a prior relationship. Although a wedding with children from a prior relationship is an exciting time, many parents have a lot of anxiety around how a future divorce would impact

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All you wanted to know about prenuptial agreements but were afraid to ask: what is a prenuptial agreement and what does it do?

All you wanted to know about prenuptial agreements but were afraid to ask:  what is a prenuptial agreement and what does it do?

It's April and that means the start of wedding season! This time of the year we get a lot of questions about prenuptial agreements. Over the years, we've heard numerous misunderstandings about what can be in an agreement like this, who needs one, and when they need to be signed.

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Don't forget to take these 5 steps after getting your divorce decree!

Don't forget to take these 5 steps after getting your divorce decree!

Once you get your divorce decree, you and your spouse are no longer married. But don't be too quick to assume everything is finished. There may be final loose ends that you need to tie up if you weren't able to do so before getting your decree.

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