

Beware of the quick estate plan:  why you shouldn't just leave everything to beneficiaries

Beware of the quick estate plan: why you shouldn't just leave everything to beneficiaries

A common way to avoid the time commitment in estate planning is to leave everything to direct beneficiaries or make someone a co-owner of all of your assets. This article looks at just one scenario where this will not work.

Securing your child's future from birth through estate planning

Securing your child's future from birth through estate planning

Estate planning helps protect even your youngest children by removing the guesswork of what will happen if you pass away while they're still young.

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Lessons from Lisa Marie Presley: why you shouldn't DIY your estate plan

Lessons from Lisa Marie Presley:  why you shouldn't DIY your estate plan

You create an estate plan to prevent court litigation. But having a poorly drafted plan can create many more headaches and heartaches for your family.

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Seven Things to Avoid When Going to Court

You are in the courtroom, lawyer by your side, waiting for your trial to begin. There at the next table is the stranger you once trusted with your heart and your future, and you wonder how it ever came to this. You are nervous, to say the least, because you know how much is at stake...

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